Governance | Sustainability
At the Maxell Group, one of our basic management policies is to pursue enhanced medium- to long-term corporate value through the implementation of management measures that reflect the viewpoints of all stakeholders, including shareholders and other investors, customers, and employees. Accordingly, we will expedite both management decision-making and operational implementation while simultaneously strengthening oversight systems, and thereby strengthen corporate governance.
Highlights of Fiscal 2023

「Strengthening Group Governance」
Digital Book viewing 「Officer Message」 by Integrated Report 2024
Build effective governance in group management (deepen management)
KPI Further strengthen group governance by enhancing activities across the company, and by strengthening the operation of an appropriate management system, etc. [Results ] ◎ Conducting Group Internal Audits
Implementing governance to maximize group synergies (technology, information, marketing)
KPI Create attractive value for the future by sharing information on markets and customers on a group-wide basis and by integrating technologies within the group. Integrate IT basis for basic business operation within the Maxell Group (FY2027) [Results ] ◎ Toward a Unified IT Infrastructure
Conducting Group Internal Audits
At Maxell Group, risks are managed and considered through the Risk Management Committee with the aim of strengthening governance and enhancing corporate value. Additionally, internal audits of all Group companies are conducted every other year.
As of March 31, 2024, Maxell Group has 4 domestic and 14 overseas consolidated subsidiaries. A breakdown of these companies is provided below. In fiscal 2023, 6 of the companies were subjected to internal audits. Improvement plans based on PDCA cycles were created in response to the issues identified during these internal audits with the aim of making necessary improvement plans to be implemented within 1 year.
Additionally, an Internal Control Committee has been established to conduct regular monitoring of constituent committees. Issues identified during internal audits and issues raised at Internal Control Committee meetings are reported to members of the Board of Directors to facilitate improvements.
Business category | Domestic | China | Asia | Europe and Americas |
Manufacturing | 1 | 3 | 2 | - |
Sales/services | - | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Manufacturing/sales | 3 | - | - | - |
Toward a Unified IT Infrastructure
In order to achieve our action plan of "Building effective governance in group management (deepen management)," we are integrating the IT infrastructure for our core operations in each business and Group company, and are creating an environment in which management information on sales, procurement, production, and accounting, etc. can be centrally collected and managed.
Initiatives in the domestic Group are being carried out in three major phases, with the first two phases having been completed during the MEX23 medium-term plan period. We will continue working toward completing the integration of IT infrastructure for our core operations by fiscal 2027.
Utilizing Group-Wide Cross-Functional Organization
Maxell Group is advancing development projects through company-wide cross-functional organization that transcends organizational boundaries in order to generate group-wide synergies and expedite the launch of new businesses.
During the MEX26 medium-term management plan period, we will prepare new businesses and achieve sustainable growth with a focus on the feature to be realized in 2030.
Additionally, through "Yokogushi MIRAI" (Group-wide new business creation activities), we have set new KPIs in marketing and technology to maximize our synergies. In the future, we will promote activities in line with the new KPIs.
Group synergy networking events

To promote collaborative development and create new business, we have continuously been working to enhance intergroup interactions with efforts led by the New Business Producing Division, which has involved sharing core technologies, development themes, and challenges between Maxell and each group company. In fiscal 2023, these meetings were held seven times and 30 development themes were identified, including wear sensors, bond strength sensors, and RTC modules. We are currently working on development to solve customer issues with each of these products.

Session Themes
1st: Development trends and core technologies for rubber products, 3D printable rubber, and recyclable rubber
2nd: Development trends and core technologies for hydraulic tools, and core technologies for shavers
3rd: Core technologies for the precision and DMS businesses
4th: Core technologies for Electro-Fine-Forming (EF2)
5th: Core technologies for adhesives
6th: Core technologies for micro batteries
7th: Core technologies for security products
Maximize synergies through MI (Maxell Innovation) activities (company-wide initiatives to create innovation)
Since fiscal 2019, Maxell has been implementing a project called "MI (Maxell Innovation) activities," which is aimed at sustained creation of new businesses. The project involves soliciting ideas and business proposals from employees, subjecting them to an evaluation and selection process, and promoting the creation of new businesses.
In fiscal 2023, with the participation of external judges we held a new-business-proposal pitch contest that involved various internal and external training and activity program teams.
Holding a Pitch Contest to Maximize Technology Integration and Synergy

In March 2024, we held our third pitch contest. These activities have generated hundreds of themes. Moving forward, we will collaborate with external stakeholders to commercialize the top-ranked projects.
- Develop human resources capable of discovering new business themes and fostering a corporate culture.
- Create new business themes through the combination and integration of core technologies.
- Explore foundational themes that can lead to commercialization by 2030.
Roundtable Discussion between Outside Directors and the President by「Integrated Report 2024」
Maxell Group is working together to steadily advance MEX26 and achieve growth

Governance Strengthening Group Governance( Compliance|Risk Management )
Corporate Governance
(Corporate Governance System|Appointment of Outside Directors|Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors)