Materiality Strengthening Group Governance

Risk Management

Maxell and Maxell Group companies have identified four risks (strategic risk, financial risk, hazard risk, and operation risk) that the Group faces, or could face in the future, and are systematically taking appropriate precautionary measures in response to these risks.
 The Risk Management Committee determines the important matters related to risk management, recognizes the four risks outlined in policies, and, if necessary, carries out reviews. After this, the Committee directs each business division and headquarters to implement measures to address and manage these risks.
 The Risk Management Committee meets regularly once a year, when it compiles activity reports from the people responsible for each division and headquarters, and from the person in charge of risk analysis. These are then reported to the Internal Control Committee.

Risk management system

Maintaining Information Security

Maxell Group has set out an "Information Security Policy" and is thoroughly implementing rules, systems, and safety measures related to security. We are also conducting thorough employee education to raise the security awareness of each and every employee. In addition to annual education on information security and personal information protection, we also regularly conduct "targeted e-mail drills" as training for cyberattacks.
We also acquired "PrivacyMark" certification as a way of thoroughly protecting personal information, and continue to keep that certification updated and current. With cyberattacks growing more diverse recently, we are also working on strengthening our security measures.

Promoting the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Maxell Group is working to strengthen its business continuity plan in order to reduce the risk of business interruptions arising from large-scale disasters, such as earthquakes, and accidents.
 In addition to establishing an employee safety confirmation system, we have formulated initial action plans and business recovery plans for emergencies, and in order to ensure the execution of these plans, we conduct training at each business site in anticipation of large-scale disasters. Furthermore, in order to respond to contingencies at our business partners, we are making steady progress in developing a database that includes information on the locations of our primary to secondary suppliers. At the Group's overseas sales and manufacturing sites, we formulate and operate overseas crisis management manuals to ensure thorough crisis management, including with regard to terrorism and other unstable situations.
 Going forward, the Group will work to minimize all risks facing its entire workforce while also making improvements, including in its responses when emergencies strike.

Minimizing tax risks

As a global company, Maxell Group believes paying tax correctly is an important part of its contribution to society and local communities overseas.
 Maxell Group publishes its "Global Tax Policy," which covers "Governance and risk management," "Compliance and reporting," and "Arranging our taxes," in the interests of enhancing the transparency of the Group's governance regarding its tax affairs. The Global Tax Policy's content satisfies the disclosure requirements in the countries in which Maxell Group operates businesses.


Governance Strengthening Group Governance Compliance| Risk Management )