Corporate Sustainability Vision

The Maxell Group has formulated its Corporate Sustainability Vision for contributing to the
Earth 100 years from
now through its mission: "Contribute to a sustainable society by
innovating unique, original technologies."

There are concerns that capitalism that pursues shareholder profits and excessive short-term profits is a driving factor in increasing inequality, worsening environmental issues, and other negative effects. Movements calling for a substantial revision of capitalism, such as stakeholder capitalism*, are gaining traction.

Against this backdrop, the Maxell Group has formulated its Corporate Sustainability Vision, which clearly sets out its position aiming for long-term increase in corporate value emphasizing relationships with diverse stakeholders.

The Corporate Sustainability Department was established in April 2020. Its basic policy is to play a role in promoting the realization of Maxell's mission. In carrying out this basic policy, the department will aim to internally promote two concepts for business activities throughout the Group: "Think about the medium to long term and evaluate (do not succumb to the pursuit of short-term profits)" and "Create social and economic value as well as economic value."

  1. A key theme of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting (Davos Summit) held in January 2020.

Maxell Group's Sustainability

Based on its basic management policy of MVVSS, Maxell will realize its VISION of "Create Maximum Excellence for employees, customers, and society by leveraging unique Analog Core Technologies"by solving social issues through its businesses.

To achieve this, we believe it is important to identify important issues that Maxell should focus on, set specific initiatives and targets in its medium- to long-term strategy, and resolve them through its businesses.

Basic Policy
Through its business activities, Maxell Group contributes to solving social, environmental, and economic issues in global markets, and supports the implementation of sustainability management that leads to sustainable growth and maximization of corporate value.
  1. Contributing to the achievement of SDGs targets through CSR/CSV initiatives
  2. Formulation of key issues in addressing ESG/SDGs
  3. Establishment and support of company-wide activities by business divisions and headquarters divisions
  4. Promote education and enlightenment activities for inside and outside the Company
  5. Visualization of activities and strengthening of communication ability to stakeholders
    (customers,employees, business partners, investors)
  6. Improving the rating of ESG ratings
  7. Support for integrating SDGs and management (linking business activities)
  8. Strengthening branding capabilities through SDGs activities

Sustainability Promotion System

  • Managed by corporate headquarters in collaboration with representatives of each business division
  • Group-wide promotion system that involves all Group companies
  • The Corporate Sustainability Department has formed a cross-divisional working group to advance sustainability initiatives
Sustainability Promotion System

Activities of the Corporate Sustainability Department

The Corporate Sustainability Department works in collaboration with business divisions, group companies
and corporate divisions.

Liaison meetings are held regularly to promote sustainability measures while sharing direction.

Major Activities in Fiscal 2023
  • Establishment of Environmental Vision and declaration of carbon neutrality by fiscal 2050
  • Received an "AA" rating in the MSCI ESG ratings
  • Received an "A-" rating in the CDP Climate Change Report 2023
Major Activities in Fiscal 2022
  • Disclosure of human capital-related information
  • Partial revision of some action plans and setting of action plan KPIs
  • Conduction of dialogues between president and employees at all business sites
Major Activities in Fiscal 2021
  • Identification of 7 materialities and 20 action plans, and disclosure of information on these in our integrated report.Continuation of work on identifying KPIs
  • Expressed support for TCFD recommendations
  • Summarization of contributions of Maxell products and services to achievement of SDGs (level of contribution to addressing social and environmental issues)
  • Promotion of adoption of renewable energy (solar power generation equipment for in-house consumption)
Major Activities in Fiscal 2020
  • Formulation of Corporate Sustainability Vision
  • Launch of Sustainability page of corporate website,disclosure of ESG-related information
  • Activities to raise awareness about sustainability(education, lectures by external experts, etc.)
  • Revision of long-term CO2 emissions reduction targets and advancement of concrete measures
  • Summarization of alignment between business activities and SDGs (level of contribution to addressing social and environmental issues)

ESG  Environment・Social・Governance