Creating human resources and organizations that generate value

Respect for Human Rights

Maxell Group believes that we are a member of society and can contribute to the creation of an environment where human rights are respected. We have established the "Maxell Group Human Rights Policy" and will support the realization of a society where human rights are respected while contributing to a sustainable society through innovating unique, original technologies.

Maxell Group understands that fulfilling its responsibility to respect human rights is essential to its business activities, and that it should naturally be expected of all companies. In line with this, we will comply with the Maxell Group Codes of Conduct and each member of Maxell Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights.

At Maxell Group, in order to foster sense of respecting human rights, we provide education on human rights during new employee training. Furthermore, to continuously raise awareness of human rights even after joining the company, we provide e-learning once a year to conduct human rights training for all employees. In addition, we disseminate the elimination of harassment in the workplace through a message from the president, and labour and management have worked together to established a "Harassment Consultation Desk" to create a bright, caring and comfortable workplace.

Revision of Maxell Group Human Rights Policy

To take human rights related initiatives in society is becoming increasingly important. In the business activities of Maxell Group, we must clarify the guidelines for respecting human rights throughout the supply chain, and apply them to all members of the board, officers and employees of Maxell Group. Also, we need to ask our business partners to understand and support them.

In October 2024, we revised the existing Maxell Group Human Rights Policy more understandable and published in order to share it with our stakeholders.

Maxell Group Human Rights Policy

At Maxell Group, our fundamental philosophy is to maintain our pride as members of the Maxell Group and to contribute to society through the development of outstanding and unique technologies and products, under the corporate creed of "harmony and cooperation, working with heart and soul, and contributing to society." In order to realize the philosophy, we respect international codes relating to human rights and do not engage in actions that interfere with or impede human rights. We will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights in order to support the realization of a society in which human rights are respected.

1. Responsibility to respect human rights

Maxell Group fulfills its responsibility to respect human rights by preventing or mitigating any infringements and any adverse effects on human rights that may arise through our businesses or transactions. We support the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, understanding and respecting the human rights stipulated therein as a minimum standard. In addition, as a participant company in the United Nations Global Compact, we support and respect its Ten Principles.
We comply with local laws and regulations in each region where we operate. We will adopt higher standards when there is a difference between the relevant legal norms and internationally recognized human rights, and will pursue international methods to respect human rights when there is a conflict between the two.

2. Scope of policy

This policy applies to all members of the board, officers, and employees (*) of the Maxell Group. Furthermore, we expect that our business partners and other stakeholders of the Maxell Group will understand and support this policy, as we collaborate together to promote respect for human rights.
*Employees, post-retirement employees, contract employees, part-timers, casual workers, and dispatched employees, etc.

3. Relationship between Maxell Group's values and this policy

This policy expresses our responsibility to respect human rights based on the fundamental philosophy of the Maxell Group and the Maxell Group Codes of Conduct.

4. Major issues relating to human rights

Maxell Group addresses the following major human rights issues.

  1. 4.1 Respect for diversity, elimination of discrimination
     We respect the personality and individuality of each person in all corporate activities, including the recruitment and treatment of employees (*) and business transactions. We do not tolerate discrimination or acts that harm the dignity of individuals due to sex, sexual orientation, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, thought, beliefs, religion, social status, family origin, disease, disability, or other reasons.
  2. 4.2 Prohibition of child labour and forced labour
     We do not tolerate child labour and forced labour.
  3. 4.3 Freedom of association
     We respect the freedom of association and the exercise of the right to collective bargaining for all workers.
  4. 4.4 Maintenance and improvement of employee (*) safety and health
     We create workplace environments based on the idea that protecting safety and health is our top priority.
  5. 4.5 Appropriate working conditions and wages
     We commit to creating appropriate working environments and work hours, and to paying wages commensurate with labour and results.

5. Human rights due diligence

Maxell Group pledges to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights through the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We will establish a framework for human rights due diligence and continue to implement it.

6. Remediation and remedy

If it becomes apparent that Maxell Group has caused or encouraged negative human rights impacts, we will work on remediation and remedy of them through appropriate internal and external procedures. In addition, we will respond appropriately if the negative human rights impacts caused by our business partners or other stakeholders are directly linked to either business, product, or service of the Maxell Group.

7. Education

Maxell Group will conduct appropriate awareness-raising and training for all members of the board, officers and employees (*) so that this policy is incorporated into all activities.

8. Dialogue and discussion with stakeholders

Maxell Group will engage in dialogue and discussion with relevant stakeholders on measures against potential or actual negative human rights impacts.

October 1, 2024
Maxell, Ltd.
President and Representative Director
Keiji Nakamura


Established: September 1, 2013
Revised: October 1, 2017
Revised: October 1, 2024

Maxell Group Human Rights Policy

This policy has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed by the President and Representative Director.