Top Message

To our shareholders and investors,
Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support and patronage.
I am Keiji Nakamura and will continue to serve as president of the Company after approval at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 21, 2024.
Fiscal 2024 is the first year of the new medium-term management plan "MEX26" for three years, towards the realization of the ideal feature of the Group in 2030. In fiscal 2024, automotive market is expected to remain firm and the semiconductor market is expected to recover. On the other hand, taking the continuing economic stagnation in Europe and China, rising energy costs and logistics stagnation due to the deteriorating situation in the Middle East into account, we forecast operating profit of 8 billion yen and operating profit margin of 6.3%.
In the new medium-term management plan MEX26, we redefined our three focus areas by capturing megatrends in global economy and society. By specifying growth businesses in the focus areas, we are promoting forward-looking development, strengthening new market development activities and aggressively pursuing capital investments, which is approximately double of the previous medium-term management plan. Through these and other measures, we aim to expand our business toward the ideal feature in 2030. In addition, we will strengthen our base of profitability by accelerating business portfolio reforms. Furthermore, we will strengthen our management foundation by strengthening human resource development and promoting sustainability management. At the same time, during the period of MEX26, we will strengthen shareholder returns with an emphasis on the total payout ratio, and achieve PBR of over 1.0x.
Going forward, management team and all employees will do its utmost to make the Company to become "Value-Creating Company" that provides the highest value to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors.
I would like to ask all of you for continued support.
June 2024
Keiji Nakamura
President and Representative Director
Maxell, Ltd.