Diversity Promotion Initiatives | Social

Vision and Policy

At Maxell, we aim to enhance awareness of diversity, particularly among management and leadership, and review company policies to enable flexible working styles. We actively promote the recruitment and advancement of women while fostering role models. In fiscal 2019, we received a two-star Eruboshi certification, awarded to companies with excellent practices in promoting women's participation, and we continue to advance these efforts.
We also strive to create a workplace where various employees, including those with disabilities, can work comfortably and find job satisfaction. In addition to hardware measures such as promoting Color Universal Design (CUD), developing e-learning materials compatible with screen readers, we are improving the workplace environment on the software side by advocating for reasonable accommodations.
A secretariat for the M-Wing, which is a diversity and inclusion promotion project, has been established within the Human Resources and General Affairs Department.
- Improve job satisfaction ratio in employee awareness survey: 90% or higher (FY2026)
- Recruitment ratio of new female graduates: 50% or higher for administrative jobs, 25% or higher for engineering jobs
Promotion of Women's Participation
We have set targets for the ratio of female new graduates (50% for administrative roles and 25% for engineering roles) and are working towards these goals. In fiscal 2023, for the first time, the ratio of female recruits in administrative and sales roles exceeded that of males. Maxell will continue to promote diversity and inclusion.
D&I Workshops
In 2023, the Secretariat carried out individual diversity and inclusion promotion interviews for directors, as well as running workshops for the heads of our business divisions. Participants once again discussed Company initiatives, and shared their feelings on issues such as "creating a culture and framework to take on new challenges" and the "necessity of each person who works at Maxell understanding D&I in terms of their own work." Awareness of these issues was reflected in the themes for employee workshops.

Diversity Promotion Project "M-Wing"

At Maxell, we emphasize diversity and inclusion and aim to enhance organizational problem-solving capabilities, creativity, and flexibility by harnessing personnel with differing values, sensibilities, and experience. In particular, we place strong emphasis on activities at "M-Wing," a company-wide project run by members selected from each business division. The project's slogan is "Fostering companies and workplaces where everyone can thrive," and we continue to work toward this goal.
In fiscal 2021, the "M-Wing" activities focused on three main areas: "diversity of attributes," "diversity of internal roles," and "diversity of values." To promote these activities, we conducted various publicity efforts. We created educational content, posters, and guides on how to use IT tools, incorporating feedback from the field. These materials addressed considerations for LGBTQ individuals, communication challenges when working with diverse team members, and key points for managing work-life balance.
In fiscal 2023, in addition to "M-Wing" activities, we held workshops with executives to discuss the significance and current challenges of promoting diversity and inclusion at Maxell. Management and employees will continue to work together to create a company where diverse talents can work comfortably and thrive.
D&I Award 2024 "Advanced" Certification

Maxell received the "Advanced" certification in the "D&I Award 2024" (sponsored by JobRainbow Co., Ltd.), Japan's largest award recognizing companies promoting diversity and inclusion. The "Advanced" certification was awarded as Maxell was evaluated as a company that has spearheaded D&I, driven the advancement of D&I in Japan as a role model, and nurtured a corporate culture in which each and every employee respects D&I, and engages in further reform.
Maxell has set "Promoting diversity and inclusion (utilize diverse human resources and accept different values)" as one of the action plans for its materialities (key management issues). Moving forward, under the slogan "Fostering companies and workplaces where everyone can thrive" we aim to enhance organizational problem-solving, creativity, and flexibility by leveraging diverse values, sensibilities, and experiences.
Fostering Culture
Maxell is committed to cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion through various initiatives to widely disseminate the concept of diversity and inclusion among the employees.
Initiatives for Fostering Culture
- 1.Top messages on diversity promotion.
- 2.Creating a poster to promote diversity.
- 3.Establishing "Nico Katsu Chiebukuro by M-Wing" on the internal SNS for discussions on work styles, childcare, and caregiving.
- 4.Promoting awareness of Color Universal Design (CUD).
Creating a Workplace for People with Disabilities
At the Kawasaki Works, we promote "Creating a Workplace where People with Disabilities can Thrive." Since July 2015, we have established a welfare workshop (abbreviated as CW: Community Workshop) within the General Affairs Section, starting full-scale operations of a workplace for people with disabilities.
Currently, this CW operates with one instructor and five employees with disabilities. Instead of limiting themselves by thinking, "I am disabled," they express a desire to contribute to the company and bring benefits, engaging in tasks such as recycling butyl tape scraps, serving supplementary materials, and maintaining the internal environment, continuously taking on new challenges.

Employment of People with Disabilities
As of the end of September 2023, the employment rate of people with disabilities was 2.43%, meeting the legally mandated employment rate.
Employment of People with Disabilities | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Employment Rate | 2.36 | 2.45 | 2.30 |
Statutory Employment Rate | 2.3 | 2.3 | 2.2 |
Participation in the Diversity West Japan Study Group
Maxell participates in the Diversity West Japan Study Group and, in 2023, took part in two working groups: "Young Women's Careers" and "LGBTQ." In May 2024, in collaboration with 11 companies, we held the "Young Women's Career Design Forum: Let's Find Our Happy Careers 2024" on May 16th, targeting female employees in their 20s and 30s.
Additionally, in June 2024, in collaboration with five companies, we held an LGBTQ lecture on June 7th. This lecture was primarily aimed at HR personnel, D&I promotion officers, and internal consultation desk staff, and included a lecture on "Basic Knowledge of Sexual Minorities" and a panel discussion with two corporate employees who are members of the LGBTQ community.
Through the panel discussion, we discussed topics such as "What is LGBTQ?", "The struggles and conflicts faced by LGBTQ individuals," and "Important considerations for supporting sexual minorities" in a dialogue format.
* Diversity West Japan Study Group: A broad network established in April 2004 for companies and organizations in the Kansai region to share knowledge and experiences and gain practical learning on themes such as "Utilizing Diversity" and "Work-Life Balance."