Financial Data
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Financial Highlights by Integrated Report 2024
Net Sales

Net sales are trending downward mainly due to a review of the business portfolio. In FY2023, there were increased sales of automotive optical components, adhesive tapes, and licensing revenues, but as a result of factors such as a decrease in sales due to the transfer of the domestic consumer products sales business, and a decrease in sales of rechargeable batteries and semiconductor-related products, net sales declined 2.7% compared to the previous year.
Operating Profit/Operating Profit Ratio

In FY2023, operating profit rose by 43.4% compared to the previous year due to the impact of increased profits from sales increase in automotive optical components and licensing revenues, as well as improved profitability of health and beauty care products. The operating profit ratio was 6.26%.

Maxell's basic policy is to continue to return profits to shareholders stably and appropriately, while taking into consideration current capital investment funding and investment funds focused on future business development. Maxell adopts a dividend payout ratio of 30-40% as a guide when paying dividends to its shareholders. *2 Ordinary dividend: 18 yen Special dividend: 250 yen

Maxell views around 50% as an appropriate shareholders' equity ratio from the standpoint of capital structure optimization. It aims to ensure a robust financial structure by utilizing borrowing while providing stable and continuous shareholder returns.

Maxell has been employing ROIC as an important, groupwide management benchmark since FY2019, as an indicator that demonstrates profitability with regard to invested capital. As a result of an increase in operating profit and a decrease in inventory in FY2023, ROIC improved to 5.04%.

In FY2023, ROE increased to 8.54% due to an increase in current net profit, and ROA increased to 5.77% due to an increase in operating profit.
*1 From the beginning of FY2021, the Company has applied the "Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition" (ASBJ Statement No. 29 of March 31, 2020), etc. The numbers relating to FY2021 onwards are after application of the accounting standards, etc.