• Obtained an "A-" rating in the CDP "Climate Change Report 2023"
    Obtained "B" rating in the "Water Security Report 2023"
  • Obtained an "AA" rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings for the Second Consecutive Year
    Recognition for Various Activities in "Social" and "Governance"
  • Continues to be Selected as a Constituent of the ESG Investment Index "FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index"
  • Selected as a constituent of the "Sompo Sustainability Index" for 8 consecutive years
    SOMPO Sustainability
  • Obtained an "A" rating in the "3rd JRECO Fluorocarbon Countermeasures Rating" for 2 consecutive years
  • Two Maxell Group companies recognized as "2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations"
    Maxell, Ltd. and Maxell Frontier Co., Ltd.
    Health & Productivity
  • Selected for "Asia IP Elite 2024"
    In recognition of its IP activities to date
    ASIA IP Elite
  • Recognized with 3 stars in the "6th NIKKEI SDGs Management Survey"
    Maxell Group's efforts towards SDGs highly evaluated
    Nikkei SDGs 3 stars
  • Recognized with 3 stars for the 4th time in the "7th NIKKEI Smart Work Management Survey"
    NIKKEI Smart Work SDGs
  • Received "Advance" recognition in the "D&I Award 2024"
    D and I Award
  • Received 2-star "Eruboshi" certification under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
  • Certified as a "Kurumin" company by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare for our support of child-rearing
    Certified as a
We are participating in public-private collaborative
"Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform"
Regional Revitalization SDGs Public-Private Partnership Platform
