Environmental Conservation Action Guidelines
At Maxell Group, we have established the "Environmental Conservation Action Guidelines" for our environmental conservation activities. These guidelines support the Keidanren Global Environment Charter established by the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) and are based on the "Maxell Group Codes of Conduct" outlining our approach to environmental issues related to the business activities of the group.
Environmental Conservation Action Guidelines
(Global Environment Charter)
These guidelines are based on the "Maxell Group Codes of Conduct" as a fundamental philosophy, and represent the standards of our conduct in addressing environmental issues related to our business activities.
Action Guidelines:
- 1.Recognizing that global environmental issues are common critical challenge for all humankind, we prioritize harmony with the environment as a top management priority and the entire group will engage in these efforts.
- 2.Our executives and departments responsible for environmental issues will promote and thoroughly implement environmental conservation actions through the establishment and maintainance of environmental protection promotion system, setting of environmental regulations, and establishment of targets for reducing environmental burden. Activities will be verified and improved through environmental audits.
- 3.We aim to contribute to society by accurately understanding the needs related to the resolution of global environmental issues, and developing advanced, reliable technologies and products to address these needs.
- 4.From the stages of R&D and design of the products, we consider reducing environmental burden generated by production, distribution, use, and disposal of the products.
- 5.By investigating and considering the impacts of our business activities on the environment, we introduce technologies and materials that excel in environmental conservation, energy saving, and resource saving to reduce environmental burden.
- 6.Beyond complying with international and local environmental regulations, we will establish voluntary standards as necessary to ensure environmental conservation.
- 7.In our overseas business activities and product exports, we will consider the impact on the local environment and implement measures that meet local societal demands.
- 8.We will raise employees' environmental awareness and contribute to society through broad-based environmental protection activities.
- 9.In the event of environmental issues arising from our business activities, we will take appropriate measures to minimize environmental burden.