Realization of Society co-existing with Nature

Biodiversity (Blue Seafood)

Regarding biodiversity, we signed the agreement for the Biodiversity Private Sector Partnership in fiscal year 2018.

As part of the SDGs, we joined the "Blue Seafood"*1 partnership, an initiative by the Japan branch of Sailors for the Sea, a general incorporated association. We actively incorporate "Blue Seafood" into the menu of our employee cafeterias, providing it at the Kyoto, Kawasaki, and Kobuchizawa sites. Additionally, at the Kyoto site, we promote local production for local consumption and work to reduce food waste by improving the accuracy of meal settings and adjusting cooking based on the situation.

Blue Seafood Menu
Menu items using "Blue Seafood" provided at the employee cafeteria of
Maxell's Kyoto headquarters.

Activities to Realize a Society in Harmony with Nature