Chapter1 Sincere and Fair Business Activities(jump)
The Maxell Group Codes of Conduct have been established as specific codes of conduct that apply to all companies of the Maxell Group. Under the leadership of top management, we will thoroughly implement the Codes of Conduct to ensure that all our business activities are conducted on the basis of corporate ethics and compliance, in accordance with "Basics and Ethics."
Chapter1 Sincere and Fair Business Activities
1.1 Provision of Safe High-Quality Products and Services
- 1.We will satisfy customer needs and specifications. We will not only obey quality, safety and environmental laws and standards, but also set our own voluntary standards when necessary to ensure the quality of our products and services. We will strive to guarantee safety and realize the goal of zero product defects so that customers can use our products and services with a sense of security.
- 2.We will respond quickly and sincerely to defects and customer complaints, and strive to determine the causes and implement thorough measures to prevent recurrence.
- 3.We will construct and administer appropriate quality management systems.
1.2 Sales Activities
- 1.We will carefully understand what customers seek from the customer's viewpoint, and provide reliable, satisfactory products and services.
- 2.We will observe domestic and overseas competition laws and regulations as a matter of course and act appropriately as a member of society under the basic principles of conduct according to the rule of law and ethical corporate integrity and fair, transparent and free competition.
- 3.We will not engage in sales activities that place unreasonable pressure on customers, such as forcing customers to engage in transactions with the company or the Maxell Group.
- 4.We will build appropriate relations with retailers and other sales channels. We will not conduct trade under conditions that differ, without good reason, from our terms of trade with other parties, place any unlawful restraints on the sales prices of goods that we have supplied, or engage in any other unfair trading practices.
- 5.We will observe laws and internal company regulations, avoid improper expressions in advertising and publicity activities of the company and our products and services, and use fair and appropriate representations and expressions in accordance with social justice and public order and good morals.
- 6.When we collect information, we will use proper means and act fairly and appropriately in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. We will strive to maintain the confidentiality of customers' confidential and personal information.
- 7.We will enter clear and lawful contracts in an appropriate and rational manner.
- 8.When we enter contracts, we will examine individual transaction terms based on a solid understanding of the risks and costs with the assistance of relevant personnel and experts as necessary, and carry out the contract process in accordance with company procedural rules.
1.3 Procurement Activities
- 1.We will strive to build good partnerships with suppliers, and to maintain and improve long-term relationships of mutual understanding and trust.
- 2.We will strive to develop optimal suppliers from a broad view worldwide, and to maintain competition.
- 3.We will select suppliers appropriately and fairly. In selecting suppliers, in addition to considering the quality, reliability, delivery dates and prices of materials as well as the management stability and technological development strengths of the suppliers, we will also give due consideration to their fulfillment of social responsibility including fair and highly transparent information disclosure, observance of laws and social norms, respect of human rights, elimination of unfair discrimination concerning employment and workplaces, elimination of child labor and forced labor, environmental protection activities, social contribution activities, creation of pleasant workplaces, and sharing of awareness about social responsibility with business partners.
- 4.We will not accept any personal benefits from suppliers concerning procurement transactions.
- 5.We will deal impartially and fairly with all suppliers. We will also strive to maintain the confidentiality of suppliers' confidential and personal information.
- 6.We will manage procurement activities through appropriate procedures in accordance with internal company regulations.
1.4 Respect of the "Maxell" Brand
- 1.We will position the brand as an important management asset, and take actions to protect and enhance the value of the "Maxell" Brand and have it recognized by society.
1.5 Observance of Engineering Ethics
- 1.As engineers, when faced with a situation deemed contrary to our mission in the course of carrying out our work, we will give top priority to public safety, health and welfare. We will make every possible effort to guarantee product safety to ensure that product liability problems caused by products, systems and services do not occur, and strive to secure superior functions, performance and reliability.
- 2.As engineers, we will work for global environmental protection and the effective utilization of resources to maximize the sustainability of human society.
- 3.As engineers, we will always exercise judgment based on the facts from an objective perspective with honest, sincere and impartial responsibility. When we find it difficult to resolve problems as individual engineers, we will seek opinions from relevant persons inside and outside the company and knowledgeable third parties and experts, and jointly work to resolve the problems.
- 4.As engineers, we will always strive to increase the transparency of information that affects the public, society and the environment, and to swiftly provide accurate information in cooperation with the relevant parties inside and outside the company.
- 5.As engineers, we will observe our duty to maintain confidentiality. When confidential information includes information that might have a material effect on the public, society or the environment, however, we will work to disclose the information in a timely and appropriate manner.
- 6.As engineers, we will respect other parties' intellectual properties as well as our own intellectual properties. We will build smooth cooperative relations with other parties and work to establish a fair market environment.
- 7.As engineers, we will respect the cultures, religions, customs, systems and diversity of value systems of other peoples, nations and regions, and strive to share joy with the people of the world through technology.
- 8.As engineers, we will pursue self-improvement and continue to lead the world with technology in the future.